Adobe subscription - is it really necessary for client work?
What you need to know for the children's publishing industry
Hello dear Creatives!
Today I am dropping into your inbox with my final recommendations regarding using Adobe vs using Affinity Designer for client projects. This is one of the most frequent questions that I keep getting.
Below I will show you a few real-life examples of how I needed to use Adobe for client work and what challenges I came across. Please bear in mind, my examples will not revolve around pattern design, but around children’s book publishing, as I had all my client work in this field this year.
A friendly disclaimer, this article will be initially behind a paywall - paid subscribers will get instant access, to support my coaching in a very symbolic way, a small fee that will be just enough for a cappuccino, at least in Germany, 2 cappuccinos in Bulgaria LOL :D (5€/month)
Let’s get straight to the point: