One of the most common complaints about vectors that I hear from my students is that vector art can appear quite flat and boring. Recently I have completely vectorized one of my older Procreate illustrations, and I played with a lot of patterns to add interest to it (regardless of it being 100% vector). Here is the end result:
Many of you were asking my on Instagram whether I used any raster brushes or textures. The answer is no! This illustration is all created with vector shapes.
With a bit of color play and some vector shapes used as details, you can level up your vector art! So today I’m sharing 3 vector textures or rather patterns that you can conveniently clip into your vector objects to add more interest! Here are the assets that my paid (5€/month) tier will receive:
textured brick
texture checker
New YouTube tutorial!
On top of that, I posted a new speedpaint Affinity tutorial on how I’m building a vector scene using mainly predefined vector shapes. You can watch this video on my YouTube channel and ask there questions. I’m currently recording a follow-up coloring video, part 2. I’ll be showing you:
how I like to color my scenes
how I add extra details with vector patterns and textures
Check out part 1 on my YT channel and stay tuned for part 2. It’s completely for free, and there aren’t many Affinity tutorials as detailed as mine out there, so I’d be extremely grateful if you could give me a like on YT or leave a comment and say hello :)
Now, let’s get those assets! You know the drill :)
Please note, I have created all my assets in Affinity V2 and time will not allow me to create V1 resources anymore (iicckkk). Thank you for your understanding!
PS: I have recently completely removed Affinity V1 from all my devices.
Here is your download: (Affinity V2 assets category):